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At St Alban’s, our curriculum aims to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum which follows a clear progression of skills. At St Alban’s, our curriculum ensures that skills and knowledge are developed accordingly and children develop their skills across a wide variety of historical periods, styles, traditions and genres.

The musical skills developed throughout a child’s experience at St. Alban’s are:

  • Performance Skills (Singing & Instrumentation)
  • Improvisation and Composition
  • Aural and Theoretical Knowledge
  • Personal and Cultural Development
  • Evaluation

These areas of our music curriculum have specific age-related expectations for KS1, Lower KS2 & Upper KS2. Collectively, these areas are used to inform teacher judgement and assessment of pupil’s musical skills and knowledge. 

Through our curriculum, pupils understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated through the interrelated dimensions of music: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.

We believe that every child at our school should have the opportunity to play an instrument and be involved in creating & making music. As part of our curriculum map, we ensure that our pupils learn an instrument over the course of our children's primary school experience: specifically, glockenspiel, recorder and clarinet. Additionally, Surrey Arts offer instrument tuition for small group and individuals for piano, guitar, flute, recorder.