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Year 2

Our curriculum map is structured around termly themes, such as London to Lima, The Great Fire of London, Florence Nightingale, Hot and Cold places and our Local Area of Molesey. These themes are looked at in English, History, Geography, DT and Art creating a whole topic to immerse the children in.  


  • Follows the mastery approach.
  • Focus on Key Instant Recall facts including number bonds, 2/5/10 times table, telling the time, counting to 100
  • Teaches a range of topics including place value, multiplication and division, fractions, money, statistic and shape.
  • Focus on developing both the children’s fluency and reasoning skills.



  • Daily Reading and Writing lessons centred around a key text or topic.
  • The children study a range of fiction and non-fiction texts including Paddington, the Great Fire of London, Florence Nightingale, Victorian era.
  • In Reading lessons, the children develop their retrieval and inference skills. These lessons are a fantastic opportunity for children to broaden their vocabulary whilst being exposed to a range of literary techniques and punctuation.
  • There is also a weekly SPAG focus embedded into the Reading lessons.
  • In Writing lessons, we build on the children’s foundations of spelling and grammar to learn more complex skills, focusing specifically on fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions.
  • If your child is following the Read Write Inc phonics scheme, books will be changed every Monday and Thursday. Please ensure books are in on this day.
  • If your child is part of the literacy and comprehension group, they are welcome to change their books each day when they have finished reading.



  • Spelling are based on a spelling pattern and sent out via Google Classroom on a Friday and are tested the following Friday.


Religious Education

  • Year 2 are following the new scheme ‘To Know You More Clearly’ designed by the Religious Education Directory for Catholic Schools.
  • The enriching new Religious Education curriculum seeks to deepen the spiritual journey of students by fostering a profound understanding of Catholic teachings and values.


Home Learning
  • Home learning is sent home on a Friday via Google Classroom and is expected to be completed by the following Friday. This is via screenshots of their learning.
  • Home Learning includes a spelling focus, Maths and English that can either support learning in the upcoming week or reinforce learning from the previous week.
  • It is important to encourage your children to regularly use Numbots to develop their number fluency.


Fire Safety Workshop
  • As part of their Great Fire of London topic, the children are welcomed by a visit from Surrey Fire and Rescue service to learn about fire safety skills.


Painshill Park
  • As part of their Science learning, the children go to visit Painshill Park. They explore the live painting of the park, wildlife habitats and participate in group building activities.